In autumn 2022, SPEK will introduce new materials and a new method for training fire detection and alarm systems operators and sprinkler operators. The new course will be organised partly online and partly as face-to-face training. Participants also perform independent tasks at the site where they are responsible for fire safety.

– Previously, the training consisted of two days of lectures. Now, participants are able to go through the training material efficiently according to their own schedule. In the new training, we focus particularly on ensuring that participants become familiar with the fire protection technology of their own site, says Lauri Lehto, Fire Safety and Security Advisor at the Finnish National Rescue Association SPEK.
The training on fire protection technology maintenance covers, for example, the responsibilities of the property owner and the system’s operator. In addition, the course teaches how to act in the event of a fire alarm, false alarm, system failure and maintenance, and how to maintain the equipment in accordance with the maintenance schedule and emergency plan.
– The equipment must be kept in good condition to ensure it can protect people and property in an emergency. During the course, participants learn the importance of fire protection technology through theory, practice and assignments.
– The courses cover a wide range of issues related to maintenance. The course is not a substitute for equipment and site-specific training. In order to perform their duties, the operator of the equipment must also receive comprehensive training on the system under their responsibility, Lehto adds.
One course to cover both fire detection and alarm systems and sprinkler systems
Inspections of fire protection equipment have found that many buildings are only able to maintain either fire detectors and alarms or sprinkler systems. It would be important for persons responsible for the equipment to be familiar with both systems.
In addition, both systems are based on the same regulatory requirements. For these reasons, the two systems are now covered by the same training.
The new training course offers more personalised support for each participant on the operation of fire protection technology.
After the course, participants gain access to an extensive package of materials to use in the future.
The course is organised according to the CFPA-E training programme: Fire Detection and Alarm Systems Operator and Sprinkler Operator.